The manufacturing process of car cover is a delicate process,the process involve design,material select,tailor,sewing,assemble and quality check.below is the manufacturing process of car cover.
1.Design:according to the customer require and car model.designer use computer-aided design software to create three dimensional model of car cover.
2.Platemaking:make platemaking for car cover.Usually made of metal or plastic materials.according sharp and size of car to cutting and forming.
3.Material prepare:prepare material of car cover.such as elastic fabrics, fillers, and adhesives,according to design requirement to tailor and prepare.
4.Tailor:cut the entire fabric into unit blocks corresponding to each area of the vehicle.
5.Sewing:use industrial grade sewing machines and special sewing techniques, sew the various components of the car cover together, including sewing the outer shell, inner lining, and other decorative details.
6.High frequency heat sealing:using a high-frequency plastic heat sealing machine to weld EVA unit blocks,this step can improve waterproof and environmentally for car cover.
7.Assemble:assemble the various components of the car cover.maintain fix outer shell and inner lining together,and adding zippers, buttons, and other fasteners.
8.Quality check:finished car cover need to undergo strict qualuty testing to ensure its waterproof and leak proof effect.
The manufacturing process of car cover is combine modern design technology and traditional handicrafts.from precise design to careful material selection,and delicate sewing and heat sealing process.Each step aims to ensure that the final product is aesthetically pleasing and durable,With the advancement of technology. the production process of car covers will continue to be optimized to meet the needs of the market and consumers.